Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Leper Inside

The Leper Inside

Today, leprosy is commonly called Hansen's disease. It has the power to damage nerves and the body will not feel pain. Wow. That is a powerful statement right there. However, what happens when someone has Hansen's disease on the INSIDE? What if there were people walking around with a harmful disease and every time the person spoke negative words thus harming the individuals around them? Unfortunately, this happens all the time and there are internally diseased people in your home, on your job, and maybe you're the diseased. I'd like to offer you HOPE today. Oh, yes there is hope. In Matthew 8:1-4, the man with leprosy approached Jesus with a H.O.T. attitude. That stands for honest, open and transparent. He knew that Jesus could heal him and Jesus knew he could heal him as well. But what happens when the disease is not visible? Sure, God can still see it but it takes a honest, open and transparent person who understands that life was given to have more life (John 10:10)! In that same verse, it tells us what Satan came to do as well. That man with the leper on the outside by law was forced to live in desolation. His job is to steal the word of God from you so life can not reside in your life. If he can get you by yourself, his job is finished. Decide today to be open, honest and transparent today with our lord and savior Jesus Christ, TODAY! Be healed inside and out that means to be made WHOLE!! Only a eternal God can fix an internal disease.

God Bless You and believe there is HOPE for you!

B. Jerrod Hurdle

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